In my opinion, I would have to say am probably the least understood person in my immediate family. Reason being, I don’t think I know myself.
Its hard to be objective when you are not really happy about what you think you reflect.
I seem oppressive to the crowds I work around, yet am sympathetic to their needs.
I seem arrogant and somewhat repugnant to be around, but I don’t necessarily chastise or look down my nose, at least I don’t admit it to myself if I do.
Am highly critical of my work, yet at the same time, I can’t take time to make it perfect because employers set standards for quality control versus time allotted, and to work within the criteria is important to my wellbeing.
I strive to be diligent and self motivated, yet on my off time, am just the opposite.
My sense of humor is highly advanced and I really don’t mind which direction the joke goes as long as it isn’t insulting or derogatory.
I don’t make light of a situation that can have serious connotations toward safety or circumstances out of my control, but am very light hearted by nature.
Am uncomfortable working around people who persist telling me the parameters of my job, when they can’t meet the requirements to qualify for it.
I don’t necessarily ignore them if I think they have worthwhile information to share.

If I write every thing am not, then maybe that will hopefully help me define who I hope to be, or at least narrow the field of choice.
I have to astutely apply myself to the confines of my work, to realize anything more than mediocrity.
Being objective seems to be very demanding, as a concept to which I like to adhere to.
Yet something always tests my limited capacity to accept what I cannot change.
Then again why would I want to change it?
Maybe to make my world custom-fit to me and thereby come to the realization that, now I’ve got things the way I want, its so boring I despise it.
When do I accept or reject a concept affecting me, to which I feel wreaks of indignation and is yet probably for my own good?
I usually prejudge a situation of this caliber well, before I have experienced the benefits of it’s results and thereby cut myself short of any beneficial knowledge.
It’s difficult to control this impulse at best and always find myself muttering (…discretion is the better part of valor…)

To accrue Knowledge is the only answer, but if not used in an appropriate text, its totally a waste of time.
My feelings on furthering my formal education is.
I will do my best to seek the knowledge I need, but I am of the opinion: I don’t believe the instructors are interested in passing along knowledge in the most concise manner.
They seem to be more interested in befuddling students with mass quantities of erroneous data than they are in searching for new and better ways to help young minds understand.
Granted if you don’t read history, you are bound to repeat it, but cutting edge technology is not found in a history book.
I for one believe that, everyone I meet has something they can teach me and the people instructing a class are best qualified to hold that position most of the time.
Who I am and Who I think I am are on the opposite end of the scale I judge myself from.
Who I think I am is a question that, to be answered by me would be difficult at best without a lot of heart felt soul searching.