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Peoples ideas of this conundrum

That are expressed by our efforts

To collect paper in which

The value is so depressed

Can trap our insecurities

And control our very lives

If we are satisfied with the familiar

And refuse to open our eyes

To a world of expression

And adventures for the bold

Or sit in our hovel and listen

To the stories Grampa told



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handcuff, banknote, dollar-3748614.jpg

Being comforted by the familiar

And not venturing far from

Not risking all you’ve gained

To find adventure where you may roam

Is the resultant fact your society has planned

To keep you in your nest

To satisfy you with a wage

And they could really care less

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You make the choice of 6.00 dollar gas

And 5.00 loaves of bread

By voting in a puppet

With nothing in his head

He’s controlled by his parties wishes

To keep the people suppressed

And you the people are content

To struggle on depressed