Well much to my surprise, I spies me a plump doe and figgerin am about 30 minutes from the cabin, I ups and figgers I’d bust em’. Grabbin my smokepole out of the scabbard, I leans across this little piece of pucker brush, take careful aim at my quarry and wang one for effect. Much to my surprise I drops the varmit in its tracks. Well in all the excitement of the stalk I must of lost my toadsticker cuz loo and behold it shor wernt in my belt. The onliest other thing I got to skin this thing with is my ole straight razor an I sure as heck don’t have a choice as to whether I’d truther or not. Well we ate pretty high on the hog that night an had enough left over to make jerky which I knawed on for a better part of a week. I ain’t got no call to be ingracious to my pard but he’s always pullin somthin on me at short notice.
Three days later am a ridin in the north forty and my partner comes by me at a dead run hollerin somthin about Ole Red. I must esplain that Ole Red is about the meanest old range bull a feller ever laid eyes on and ifin ya cross his terratory ya best keep a eye peeled. Well about that time, I catches some movement outa the corner of my eye an lucky for me I did. That big knarly bugger was makin a beeline for my mount, and he’s aiming to inspire me in no uncertain terms and he did but without physical contact. I spurs my steed without really gettin a go hold the reins and before I know it I’m hurtling over a seven foot mesquite trying to get this fourlegged crotchrocket under some sembelance of control. I turns and look over my shoulder to find out just how serious my problem is and thanks to the Lord, Ole Red had decided to convince the mesquite bush of his senority. He had run head long into it and had failed to find me in front of it. He had a dazed look in his eye as I rode off over the hill athinkin he learned a lesson when he thought he could run me off. A hundert yards up the trail my partner was a laughin so hard he pert near fell down. So just to show him i gots a sense of humor I pulls up and lets him bellow awhile about how he thought Ole Red was gonna get the better of me afore I got ole booglesnoot under way.

We both had a good chuckle at my expense and headed off fer the cabin. Back at the cabin we boils a pot of coffee and choke down some of the worst tastin grub my partner ever stirred up, and spent the rest of the night pickin ticks between hands of crib. The next day I decides is the day for paybacks. I wasn’t quite sure how or when my opportunity would arise but I had confidence in my partners ability to leave the gate open. Its cleared up now and sunshine is out, so being its the weekend we heads for the nearest cantina to get cleaned up, gowed up and maybe meet us a senorita. Now were half way into a hellofa good time drinkin and dancin with the barmaid, but i got me about the worst case of saddleblast i had in a good many years and i gots to release some pressure. Well about that time i decides to let her rip as quietly as possible and manage to relieve about 25psi off my beltbuckle, without the sound of several logs bustin.
( Afore this about an hour i decided to catch a whiz after about six beers and decided to spike my snoose can with the last of it.) Well my ole snoose bummin partner and I are caught by surprise by this cute little senorita awantin to dance, but as she gets closer she catches wind of a horrendous stench. I have a pretty good idea of her disgust as I looks at my partner a real serious like an says, …”you disgusting sonofagun, you ought to be ashamed of yerself…” Then I upsin grabs the little lady and hustles her off for a spin around the dance floor. Not trying to add insult to injury I looks over my shoulder and flips my snoose can to him and hollers, “…sit down and have a chew, maybe it’ll settle your stomach…” When I returns to my table Ole pard sticks out his hand and says that was pretty lousy thing to do to a pard but he says he will forgive me if he can keep my snoose. I started to argue but then decided he was right and let him keep it. The mostest important thing when yer out on the range is a good partner, and ifin all it takes to stay out of a tussel is a snoose can, then by God ill give him mine.