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Here’s to grandmas that are different

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With their hair all awry

When they sneak out to spy

On the good- hearted gent next door

And they slip on the rug

Dropping their mug

Busting their butt on the floor

As they sit crocheting a doily

Expounding on manners to a tart

Next thing you know they glance around coyly

As they sneeze to muffle a fart

From her funny little hat

Which on the buffet always sat

To her toaster that worked only on high

To her nic-nacs and threads

And squeaky old bed

Where grandkids were put down to cry


From her worn flannel nightie

To her fluffy pink slippers

To whenst she tripped over the cat

To her home made soup

She claimed cured croup

And she said with conviction “that’s that”

To her flowery perfume

That could clear any room

To her wig that was tinted light blue

And whenst she gave you the look

So stern that you shook

You knew why ole grampa was true

From the marks on the wall

Where the children grew tall

To the joy she brought just with a wink

To the fetish she had

That all dogs smelled bad

But her cat could crap in the sink

From her flowery print dress

To her runny nose I guess

To her bandana she fastened with a pin

She’s never forsaken

And never mistaken

Thank God she’s one of our kin


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