grandmother, grandparent, lady-109095.jpg


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My heart goes out to Anna B.

For her life long toil and struggle

And my thanks to her for a watchful eye

To keep me out of trouble

My grandmother is of who I speak

And Charlie was her man

An ornerier old son of a gun

Never set foot upon this land


Her patience was of unknown limit

For my father and his sibs

While old Charlie sat upon his haunches

A busy playin crib

Nestled in a tiny shack

Wolfcreek just down the trail

Content with havin to darn his socks

And fetch water by pail

A tribute to true grit she was

With her hand upon the plow

Her hair wrapped in a red bandanna

As she’s off to milk the cow

With six wranglers to feed by 5.00 am

And kids to school by eight

She never stopped to pause or chat

For fear that they’d be late

The cold wind blowing, her nose is running

Her hands all blistered and chapped

And all old Charlie could think to say was

“where the hell’s my hat?”

I don’t know how Anna would feel

About this tale of woe

But I’d have to think if she saw Charlie

She’ll tell him where to go


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